Sunday, July 19

Auntie Margits Treasures - part 2

This dress from Auntie Margits treasure chest is insanely beautiful. It's transparent, dotty, silky and full of whale bone parts to shape the chest.

Oh, Auntie Margit! If only I was as thin as you were, those nights in the forties, when you danced and danced with all the most handsome gentlemen of Stockholm until two in the morning, then let them walk you to the door -but no further!- and you left them there, warm nights in june, to walk home alone through vasastan, the air scented with lilacs and the sun slowly rising. If only I was as thin, I would wear the dress as often as I could!

1 comment:

  1. me want!! it's gorgeous! i did have a dress in such fabric when i was a child, curiously enough i have some of that fabric left for sewing a dress purposes. i never get around to it, but i still contemplate a sundress of sorts.



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